Thursday, October 9, 2014

Who chooses to become a nomad?

Things happen in life and lately it seems to be more bad than good.  I read somewhere that the average American family is one emergency away from financial catastrophe.  That scares the hell out of me!  For the past 15 plus years my husband and I have struggled to make ends meet.  We struggle, but we make it.

But only just barely.

When I realized this I grew depressed.  When I was finished moping around I decided to do something about it and so started the research into ways to cut costs.  I have already cut costs in my food bill.  I looked into various methods to home ownership but none of them would work for our situation.  Then I discovered RVing.  This idea is not new to me.  My father often talked about how he wanted to travel the US in an RV and visit all the historical places.  He talked about it a lot but it never became a reality.

The idea of living a gypsy lifestyle has me both excited and terrified all at the same time!  When it comes right down to it, we need to get on steady ground, we need to figure out what we want out of life and how we can make the most of it for us and our children.  It is time to think outside the box.

The wonderful thing about RVing is that we can always settle down somewhere if we don't like it.

Now comes more intense research and preparations for this radical lifestyle change.  This blog will serve as the place for all my research and ideas as well as chronicling the journey once it begins.

We are not sure when we can hit the road, but it won't be long.

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