Wednesday, October 29, 2014

When it rains it pours....

I know I have been slow to post, but honestly there is not a whole lot to post about this because I thought I still had plenty of time for this endeavor.  Well, plans have drastically changed and now it is looking like this will take place in the next month!

NOW I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off!  Right now this is the steps we are taking:

1. Sell everything not going with us
2. Buy a pull truck
3. Buy a RV

Those three things seem simple, but they really are not.  During the time we have to sell our unneeded possessions we will need to give notice to our complex, cancel our utilities, figure out WHAT is being sold and what is going with us!  I am sure there are other things I am not even considering!


This is the first thing I need to tackle in order to sell what is not needed!  Lucky for us, we moved into an apartment from a huge house with a full basement.  We have downsized once and we can do it again, just on a more epic scale!  I had done some research on this, but as I mentioned in an earlier post I did not take notes and now am kicking myself in the butt.

So back to my trusty good ol' google.  Here is a page I actually found VERY helpful!

It is basically someone in a 3 bedroom apartment downsizing into a RV.  Sounds exactly like my situation!  There are A LOT of suggestions to sort through, but there are some REALLY good ones in there.

I will tackle this by room: Kitchen, Laundry, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Living Room, MISC.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

so we will live in an what?

I had already started my research into this even before I started this blog.  What I mean by research is that I watched a TON of YouTube videos on the subject, joined a few Facebook groups and poured over message boards all about RVs in general and living in them in particular. 

NOW I wish I would have kept notes because there were times I had questions or ideas for other things to research and then promptly forgot them….part of the reason this blog has come to be besides for my desire to get back to writing.

What type we want is pretty much a done deal.  There are many different kinds and we weighed the pros and cons of them.  We decided on a travel trailer or a 5th wheel, pulled by a truck.  This is going to be our home and if it should need any sort of repair, or the truck has to be serviced or repaired, we want to be able to separate them.  Also it seems to me that motorhomes are more expensive than those you tow and you have to get a special license to drive it!  We also know that with 2 kids with us and 3 dogs (chihuahuas) and 1 cat, at least 30 feet is a must.

Here is a good site on RVs and a link to a good article on choosing what type of RV you want.


Travel Trailer

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Who chooses to become a nomad?

Things happen in life and lately it seems to be more bad than good.  I read somewhere that the average American family is one emergency away from financial catastrophe.  That scares the hell out of me!  For the past 15 plus years my husband and I have struggled to make ends meet.  We struggle, but we make it.

But only just barely.

When I realized this I grew depressed.  When I was finished moping around I decided to do something about it and so started the research into ways to cut costs.  I have already cut costs in my food bill.  I looked into various methods to home ownership but none of them would work for our situation.  Then I discovered RVing.  This idea is not new to me.  My father often talked about how he wanted to travel the US in an RV and visit all the historical places.  He talked about it a lot but it never became a reality.

The idea of living a gypsy lifestyle has me both excited and terrified all at the same time!  When it comes right down to it, we need to get on steady ground, we need to figure out what we want out of life and how we can make the most of it for us and our children.  It is time to think outside the box.

The wonderful thing about RVing is that we can always settle down somewhere if we don't like it.

Now comes more intense research and preparations for this radical lifestyle change.  This blog will serve as the place for all my research and ideas as well as chronicling the journey once it begins.

We are not sure when we can hit the road, but it won't be long.